Yeast Infection Treatment and Solve these Female Problems

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Adult humans with 3-4 pounds of beneficial bacteria, about $ 7 billion each number organisms living in our digestive system. Yeast is in all of us exist. The shear number of beneficial bacteria to keep yeast in check. Their executives and production of yeast, such as vitamin B, in our body. If this balance is changed, the good bacteria, yeast, is a very opportunistic to reduce transmission and take over the yeast infection or candidiasis or fungal (mold) caused by a variety of side effects and unhealthy disease.

Simply said, antibiotics are dangerous mycotoxins, fungal metabolites, kill bacteria, and even beneficial bacteria in our intestinal health is essential. This upsets your digestive system in bacteria, yeast, the delicate balance, so that the yeast in the creation of a yeast infection control. The beneficial bacteria in the yeast-free control system, transmission, and became a toxic fungal parasites Candida.

Penicillin is a good example of a mushroom by-product, known as mycotoxins. It was found from a mold (the mold is a fungus), experience, Fleming Dr. bacterial colonies. He added that a little moldy bread colonies and fungi kill all the bacteria in the production of the substance he later named penicillin. Was born in 1928, the number one yeast infection and a wide range of prescription yeast infection is an increasingly popular today.

Another reason for the destruction of the yeast infection and gastro-intestinal flora is the anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen …

Both drugs are common during the many people take prescription drugs. Few people realize that, taking them for their own health. The United States has become a country of drug users. Not a night to go, you can not see the TV optimistic about the panacea drug certain types of business. These drugs can help the reason for the eradication of bacteria and yeast infections.

Another reason for yeast infections, some doctors, birth control pills women theory. Only in about 18 days, progesterone and estrogen levels drop to very low levels, after ovulation, in the natural menstrual cycle in women. Estradiol at the same time began to rise, in the period, then these three hormones returned to normal. Most birth control pills contain estrogen, and added to this question.

The hormone link as a yeast infection of the cause of women is widespread. Almost all women suffering from recurrent yeast infections will tell you they do is drive the third week of their cycle. . Fortunately, treatment and hormone balance of natural herbs and supplements to eliminate this problem. Colloidal silver as a mineral supplement.

According to the report, asthma and allergic immune deficiency syndrome in 2001, was identified in 1952. Since then, 95 people have been identified to be found every day, new conditions. The report also showed that children’s early use of antibiotics to increase help to increase the risk of allergies. Is what I am interested in is in the 1950s, antibiotics have been widely used in general practice. Do you see a correlation here?

The most common prescription of antibiotics for upper respiratory tract infection, but according to Dr. Carol Kauffman, these infections are mostly caused by a fungus. “As a result, they do not need antibiotics as a treatment, but doctors continue to open their . Over time this will change the balance of bacteria in the yeast proliferation, the result is Candida, or worse, the stomach. As mineral supplements and the use of colloidal silver, it will solve this problem.

The doctor pleaded ignorance when their patients with allergies, intestinal disorders, not even the same prescription drugs, they are the reasons for yeast infections and other fungal diseases. Over time, a good stomach bacteria yeast becomes overwhelmed, because it kills your good bacteria. Candida or fungal disease is the result. Treatment of yeast infections using colloidal silver as a mineral supplement, it will not affect the natural flora and fauna. Colloidal Silver safely kills more than 650 pathogens, viruses, fungi, parasites and fungi, there is no negative impact (the funds needed by the body, to promote tissue regeneration and replacement of specialized cells), is absolutely safe for human consumption.


